Connectivity Guide

auth-password — Enter a text string used to generate the authentication key that identies the
user. A maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters. For an encrypted password, enter the encrypted
string instead of plain text.
priv — (SNMPv3 only) Congure encryption for SNMPv3 messages sent to the host:
aes — Encrypt messages using an AES 128-bit algorithm.
des — Encrypt messages using a DES 56-bit algorithm.
priv-password — Enter a text string used to generate the privacy key used in encrypted messages.
A maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters. For an encrypted password, you can enter the encrypted
string instead of plain text.
community-name — (Optional) Enter an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community string name or an SNMPv3 user
udp-port port-number — (Optional) Enter the UDP port number on the SNMP host, from 0 to 65535.
entity | envmon | lldp | snmp — Enter one or more types of traps and notications to send to the
SNMP host — entity change, environment monitor, or LLDP state change traps, or SNMP-type notications.
Defaults Not congured
Usage Information The local SNMP agent sends SNMP notications, traps, and informs to SNMP managers congured as host
receivers. You can congure multiple host receivers.
An SNMP host does not acknowledge the trap messages and notications received from the SNMP agent. SNMP
hosts send an acknowledgement when receiving informs.
The no version of this command disables the local agent from sending SNMP traps, informs, or notications to a
host receiver.
Example — Send
SNMP traps to host
OS10(config)# snmp-server host traps version 3 priv user01 udp-port 32
entity lldp
Example — Send
SNMP informs to
OS10(config)# snmp-server host informs version 2c public envmon snmp
Example — Send
SNMP notications
to host
OS10(config)# snmp-server host version 3 noauth u1 snmp lldp
Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
snmp-server location
Congures the location of the SNMP server.
snmp-server location text
Parameters text — Enter an alphanumeric string. A maximum of 55 characters.
Default None
Usage Information The no version of this command removes the SNMP location.
OS10(config)# snmp-server location datacenter10
Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
114 System management