Connectivity Guide

snmp-server user
Authorizes a user to access the SNMP agent and receive SNMP messages.
snmp-server user user-name group-name security-model [[noauth | auth {md5 |
sha} auth-password] [priv {des | aes} priv-password]] [localized] [access acl-
name] [remote ip-address udp-port port-number]]
user-name — Enter the name of the user. A maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters.
group-name — Enter the name of the group to which the user belongs. A maximum of 32 alphanumeric
security-model — Enter an SNMP version that sets the security level for SNMP messages:
1 — SNMPv1 provides no user authentication or privacy protection. SNMP messages are sent in plain text.
2c — SNMPv2c provides no user authentication or privacy protection. SNMP messages are sent in plain
3 — SNMPv3 provides optional user authentication and encryption for SNMP messages.
noauth — (SNMPv3 only) Congure SNMPv3 messages to send without user authentication and privacy
auth — (SNMPv3 only) Include a user authentication key for SNMPv3 messages sent to the user:
md5 — Generate an authentication key using the MD5 algorithm.
sha — Generate an authentication key using the SHA algorithm.
auth-password — Enter a text string used to generate the authentication key that identies the user
(32 alphanumeric characters maximum). For an encrypted password, you can enter the encrypted string
instead of plain text.
priv — (SNMPv3 only) Congure encryption for SNMPv3 messages sent to the user:
aes — Encrypt messages using AES 128-bit algorithm.
des — Encrypt messages using DES 56-bit algorithm.
priv-password — Enter a text string used to generate the privacy key used in encrypted messages. A
maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters. For an encrypted password, enter the encrypted string instead of
plain text.
localized — (SNMPv3 only) Generate an SNMPv3 authentication and/or privacy key in localized key
access acl-name — (Optional) Enter the name of an IPv4 or IPv6 access list to lter SNMP requests on
the switch. A maximum of 16 characters.
remote ip-address/prefix-length udp-port port-number — (Optional) Enter the IPv4 or
IPv6 address of the user's remote device and the UDP port number used to connect to the SNMP agent on
the switch, from 0 to 65535; default 162.
Not congured
Usage Information Use the snmp-server user command to set up the desired security level for SNMP access. For SNMPv3
users, congure user authorization and message encryption. Re-enter this command multiple times to congure
SNMP security settings for all users.
The group to which a user is assigned determines the user's SNMP access. To congure a group's SNMP access
to the switch — read, write, and notify, use the snmp-server user command.
No default values exist for SNMPv3 authentication and privacy algorithms and passwords. If you forget a
password, you cannot recover it — you must recongure the user. You can specify either a plain-text password or
System management 115