Connectivity Guide

Environmental monitoring
Monitors the hardware environment to detect temperature, CPU, and memory utilization.
View environment
OS10# show environment
Unit State Temperature Voltage
1 up 42
Thermal sensors
Unit Sensor-Id Sensor-name Temperature
1 1 T2 temp sensor 28
1 2 system-NIC temp sensor 25
1 3 Ambient temp sensor 24
1 4 NPU temp sensor 40
Link-bundle monitoring
Monitoring link aggregation group (LAG) bundles allows the trac distribution amounts in a link to look for unfair distribution at any given
time. A threshold of 60% is an acceptable amount of trac on a member link.
Links are monitored in 15-second intervals for three consecutive instances. Any deviation within that time sends syslog and an alarm event
generates. When the deviation clears, another syslog sends and a clear alarm event generates.
Link-bundle utilization calculates the total bandwidth of all links divided by the total bytes-per-second of all links. If you enable monitoring,
the utilization calculation performs when the utilization of the link-bundle (not a link within a bundle) exceeds 60%.
Congure Threshold level for link-bundle monitoring
OS10(config)# link-bundle-trigger-threshold 10
View link-bundle monitoring threshold conguration
OS10(config)# do show running-configuration
link-bundle-trigger-threshold 10
Show link-bundle utilization
OS10(config)# do show link-bundle-utilization
Link-bundle trigger threshold - 10
Alarm commands
Troubleshoot OS10