Connectivity Guide

crypto cert generate
Creates a certicate signing request (CSR) or a self-signed certicate.
crypto cert generate {request | self-signed} [cert-file cert-path key-file
{private | keypath}] [country 2-letter code] [state state] [locality city]
[organization organization-name] [orgunit unit-name] [cname common-name] [email
email-address] [validity days] [length length] [altname alt-name]
request — Create a certicate signing request to copy to a CA.
self-signed — Create a self-signed certicate.
cert-file cert-path — (Optional) Enter the local path where the self-signed certicate or CSR will be
stored. You can enter a full path or a relative path; for example, flash://certs/s4810-001-
request.csr or usb://s4810-001.crt. If you do not enter the cert-file option, the system
interactively prompts you to ll in the remaining elds of the certicate signing request. Export the CSR to a CA
using the copy command.
key-file {key-path | private} — Enter the local path where the downloaded or locally generated
private key will be stored. If the key was downloaded to a remote server, enter the server path using a secure
method, such as HTTPS, SCP, or SFTP. Enter private to store the key in a local hidden location.
country 2-letter-code — OPTIONAL) Enter the two letter code that identies the country.
state state — Enter the name of the state.
locality city — Enter the name of the city.
organization organization-name — Enter the name of the organization.
orgunit unit-name — Enter name of the unit.
cname common-name — Enter the common name assigned to the certicate. Common name is the main
identity presented to connecting devices. By default, the switch’s host name is the common name. You can
congure a dierent common name for the switch; for example, an IP address. If the
common-name value
does not match the device’s presented identity, a signed certicate does not validate.
email email-address — Enter a valid email address used to communicate with the organization.
validity days — Enter the number of days for which the certicate is valid. For a CSR, validity has no
eect. For a self-signed certicate, the default is 3650 days or 10 years.
length bit-length — Enter a bit value for the keyword length. For FIPS mode, the range is from 2048 to
4096; for non-FIPS mode, the range is from 1024 to 4096. The default key length for both FIPS and non-FIPS
mode is 2048 bits. The minimum key length value for FIPS mode is 2048 bits. The minimum key length value
for non-FIPS mode is 1024 bits.
altname altname — Enter an alternate name for the organization; for example, using the IP address such
altname IP:
Not congured
Command mode EXEC
Usage information Generate a CSR when you want a CA to sign a host certicate. Generate a self-signed certicate if you do not set
up a CA and implement a certicate trust model in your network.
If you enter the cert-file option, you must enter all the following required parameters, including the local path
where the certicate and private key are stored.
Security 841