Service Manual

CLI mode is the second part of the prompt and reects the current CLI mode. For a list of the Dell Networking OS command modes,
see the command mode list in Accessing the Command Line.
The CLI prompt changes as you move up and down the levels of the command structure. Starting with CONFIGURATION mode, the
command prompt adds modiers to further identify the mode. For more information about command modes, see Command Modes.
Using the Keyword no Command
To disable, delete or return to default values, use the no form of the commands.
For most commands, if you type the keyword no in front of the command, you disable that command or delete it from the running
conguration. In this guide, the no form of the command is described in the Syntax portion of the command description.
Filtering show Commands
You can lter commands using the show command to nd specic information, display certain information only, or begin the command
output at the rst instance of a regular expression or phrase.
Execute a show command and a pipe ( | ), and one of the following parameters and a regular expression to show output that either
excludes or includes the specied parameters.
NOTE: The Dell Networking OS accepts a space before or after the pipe, no space before or after the pipe, or any combination.
For example: command | grep gigabit |except regular-expression | find regular-expression.
Displays only the text that does not match the pattern (or regular expression).
Searches for the rst occurrence of a pattern.
Displays text that matches a pattern.
The grep command option has an ignore-case suboption that makes the search case-insensitive. For example, the
show run |
grep Ethernet
Returns a search result with instances containing a capitalized Ethernet, such as
interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/1.
show run |
grep ethernet
Does not return the previous search result because it only searches for instances
containing a noncapitalized ethernet.
show run |
grep Ethernet
Returns instances containing both Ethernet and ethernet.
Does not paginate the display output.
Copies the output to a le for future use.
Displaying All Output
Use the no-more option after the pipe to display all output at once — not one screen at a time. This operation is similar to terminal
length screen-length
except that the no-more option aects the output of just the specied command. For example: show
CLI Basics