Service Manual

Usage Information
By applying a DCB input policy with PFC enabled, you enable PFC operation on ingress port trac. To achieve
complete lossless handling of trac, also enable PFC on all DCB egress ports or congure the dot1p priority-queue
assignment of PFC priorities to lossless queues (refer to pfc no-drop queues).
To disable PFC operation on an interface, enter the no pfc mode on command in DCB Input Policy
Conguration mode. PFC is enabled and disabled as global DCB operation is enabled (
dcb-enable) or disabled
(no dcb-enable).
You cannot enable PFC and link-level ow control at the same time on an interface.
NOTE: We do not recommended to use this command as it has been deprecated in the current 9.4(0.0)
release. A warning message appears when you try to run this command indicating that you have to use
the dcb-map commands in the future.
priority-group bandwidth pfc
Congure the ETS bandwidth allocation and PFC mode used to manage port trac in an 802.1p priority group.
priority-group group-num {bandwidth percentage| strict-priority} pfc {on | off}
Enter the keyword priority-group followed by the number of an 802.1p priority
group. Use the priority-pgid command to create the priority groups in a DCB map.
Enter the keyword bandwidth followed by a bandwidth percentage allocated to the
priority group. The range of valid values is 1 to 100. The sum of all allocated bandwidth
percentages in priority groups in a DCB map must be 100%.
strict-priority Congure the priority-group trac to be handled with strict priority scheduling. Strict-
priority trac is serviced rst, before bandwidth allocated to other priority groups is made
pfc {on | o} Congure whether priority-based ow control is enabled (on) or disabled (o) for port
trac in the priority group.
Defaults None
Command Modes DCB MAP
Command History
This guide is platform-specic. For command information about other platforms, see the relevant Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference Guide.
Version Description
9.8(1.0) Introduced on the Z9100–ON.
9.8(0.0) Introduced on the S3048-ON and S4048-ON.
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000-ON and Z9500.
9.3(0.0) Introduced on the S4810, S6000 platforms.
Usage Information
Use the dcb-map command to congure priority groups with PFC and/or ETS settings and apply them to
Ethernet interfaces.
Use the priority-pgid command to map 802.1p priorities to a priority group. You can assign each 802.1p
priority to only one priority group. A priority group consists of 802.1p priority values that are grouped together for
Data Center Bridging (DCB) 503