Service Manual

{{ip-selection| ipv6-
selection [source-ip
| source-ipv6 |
source-port-id |
source-module-id |
dest-ip | dest-ipv6 |
dest-port-id | dest-
module-id | protocol
| vlan | L4-source-
port | L4-dest-
port ]
To use IPv4 key elds in hash computation, enter the keyword ip-selection then one
of the parameters. To use IPv6 key elds in hash computation, enter the keyword ipv6-
then one of the parameters.
source-ip — Use IPv4 src-ip eld in hash calculation.
source-ipv6 — Use IPv6 src-ip eld in hash calculation
source-port-id — Use src-port-id eld in hash calculation.
source-module-id — Use src-module-id eld in hash calculation.
dest-ip — Use IPv4 dest-ip eld in hash calculation.
dest-ipv6 — Use IPv6 dest-ip eld in hash calculation
dest-port-id — Use dest-port-id eld in hash calculation.
dest-module-id — Use dest-module-id eld in hash calculation.
protocol — Use IPv4 protocol eld in hash calculation.
vlan — Use vlan eld in hash calculation.
L4-source-port — Use IPv4 L4-source-port eld in hash calculation.
L4-dest-port — Use IPv4 L4-dest-port eld in hash calculation.
mac [source-mac |
source-port-id |
source-module-id |
dest-mac | dest-
port-id | dest-
module-id | vlan |
ethertype | source-
dest-mac ]
To use MAC key elds in hash computation, enter the keyword mac then one of the
source-mac — Use source-mac eld in hash calculation.
source-port-id — Use src-port-id eld in hash calculation.
source-module-id — Use src-module-id eld in hash calculation.
dest-mac — Use dest-mac eld in hash calculation.
dest-port-id — Use dest-port-id eld in hash calculation.
dest-module-id — Use dest-module-id eld in hash calculation.
vlan — Use vlan eld in hash calculation .
ethertype — Use Ethertype eld in hash calculation.
source-dest-mac — Use SMAC and DMAC elds in hash calculation.
tunnel [ipv4-over-
ipv4 | ipv4-over-
gre-ipv4 | mac-in-
To use tunnel key elds in hash computation, enter the keyword tunnel then one of the
ipv4-over-ipv4 — Use ipv4-over-ipv4 eld in hash calculation.
ipv4-over-gre-ipv4 — Use ipv4-over-gre-ipv4 eld in hash calculation.
mac-in-mac — Use mac-in-mac eld in hash calculation.
Defaults IP selection 5-tuples (source-ip dest-ip vlan protocol L4-source-port L4-dest-port).
Command History
This guide is platform-specic. For command information about other platforms, see the relevant Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference Guide.
Version Description
9.8(1.0) Introduced on the Z9100–ON.
9.8(0.0P5) Introduced on the S4048-ON.
9.8(0.0P2) Introduced on the S3048-ON.
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000-ON.
IPv4 Routing 803