Users Guide

unicast packets. This CLI knob to turn o the catch-all route is of use in networks where the user does not want to generate Destination
Unreachable messages and have the CPU queue’s bandwidth available for higher priority control-plane trac.
Conguring CoPP for OSPFv3
You can create an IPv6 ACL for control-plane trac policing for OSPFv3, in addition to the CoPP support for VRRPv3, BGPv6, and
ICMPv6. You can use the
ipv6 access-list name cpu-qos permit ospfv3 or the ipv6 access-list name cpu-qos
ospfv3 command to allow CoPP trac for OSPFv3. The control plane management support for IPv6 ICMPv6 packets is enhanced to
enable more number of CPU queues on port to be available and other COPP improvements have been implemented.
To congure control-plane policing, perform the following:
1 Create an IPv6 ACL for control-plane trac policing for ospfv3.
Dell(conf)#ipv6 access-list ospfv3 cpu-qos
Dell(conf-ipv6-acl-cpuqos)#permit ospf
2 Create a QoS input policy for the router and assign the policing.
Dell(conf)#qos-policy-input ospfv3_rate cpu-qos
Dell(conf-in-qos-policy-cpuqos)#rate-police 1500 16 peak 1500 16
3 Create a QoS class map to dierentiate the control-plane trac and assign to the ACL.
Dell(conf)#class-map match-any ospfv3 cpu-qos
Dell(conf-class-map-cpuqos)#match ipv6 access-group ospfv3
4 Create a QoS input policy map to match to the class-map and qos-policy for each desired protocol.
Dell(conf)#policy-map-input ospfv3_policy cpu-qos
Dell(conf-policy-map-in-cpuqos)#class-map ospfv3 qos-policy ospfv3_rate
5 Enter Control Plane mode.
6 Assign the protocol based service policy on the control plane. Enabling this command on a port-pipe automatically enables the ACL
and QoS rules created with the cpu-qos keyword.
Dell(conf-control-cpuqos)#service-policy rate-limit-protocols ospfv3_policy
Displaying CoPP Conguration
The CLI provides show commands to display the protocol trac assigned to each control-plane queue and the current rate-limit applied to
each queue. Other show commands display statistical information for trouble shooting CoPP operation.
To view the rates for each queue, use the show cpu-queue rate cp command.
Control Plane Policing (CoPP)