Users Guide

ipv6 mld snooping enable
Disable MLD Snooping
When MLD is enabled globally, it is by default enabled on all the VLANs.
To disable MLD snooping on a VLAN, use the following command:
no ipv6 mld snooping
NOTE: Under the default conguration, there is no need to congure ipv6 mld snooping for any
Congure the switch as a querier
Hosts that do not support unsolicited reporting wait for a general query before sending a membership report. When the multicast source
and receivers are in the same VLAN, multicast trac is not routed, and so there is no querier. You must congure the switch to be the
querier for a VLAN so that hosts send membership reports, and the switch can generate a forwarding table by snooping.
To congure the switch as a querier for a layer 2 VLAN, use the following command:
ipv6 mld snooping querier
: You must congure an IP address for the
The source address of the queries is 0 to distinguish these queries from the router queries. If the system receives a query with a non-
zero address any VLAN interface, it stops sending queries. When a VLAN congured with snooping querier comes up, the VLAN
interface waits for the querier timeout to expire before becoming a querier.
Specify port as connected to multicast router
To statically specify or view a port in a VLAN, use the following commands:
1 Statically specify a port in a VLAN as connected to a multicast router.
ipv6 mld snooping mrouter
2 View the ports that are connected to multicast routers.
EXEC Privilege mode
show ipv6 mld snooping mrouter
Multicast Listener Discovery Protocol