Users Guide

Table Of Contents
1. Upgrade the system image to the new image and configure the primary partition to boot from the
new image using the boot system command.
2. Update the startup configuration file with the new set of configurations and then reload the
device using the reload command.
The new set of configurations are parsed from the startup configuration file and applied to the
NVRAM. During the system boot up, the new set of configurations are applied to the system from the
updated NVRAM configurations.
The following commands require NVRAM write to take effect in a single reload:
Forwarding CLIs:
hardware forwarding-table mode {scaled-l2-switch | scaled-l3-routes
| scaled-l3-hosts}
cam-ipv6 extended-prefix {1024 | 2048 | 3072}
ip ecmp-group maximum-paths 2-64
ACL CAM carving related CLIs:
cam-acl cli
cam-acl-vlan cli
cam-acl-egress cli
Feature keyword CLIs:
feature udf-acl
feature aclrange
feature ipv6acloptimized
feature acloptimized
DellEMC# upgrade system tftp:// a:
00:39:32 : Discarded 1 pkts. Expected block num : 51.
Received block num: 50
!00:39:36 : Discarded 1 pkts. Expected block num : 65.
Received block num: 64
93924044 bytes successfully copied
System image upgrade completed successfully.
Image upgraded to all
The following example shows that the system prompts for the hash value of the OS image with the OS
image verification feature enabled:
Dell# upgrade system tftp:// A:
Hash Value: e42e2548783c2d5db239ea2fa9de4232
84 File Management