Service Manual

6 Member not present
7 Member not present
8 Member not present
9 Member not present
10 Member not present
11 Member not present
-- Power Supplies --
Unit Bay Status Type FanSpeed(rpm)
0 0 down UNKNOWN 0
0 1 up AC 14000
-- Fan Status --
Unit Bay TrayStatus Fan0 Speed Fan1 Speed
0 0 up up 13466 up 13466
0 1 up up 13653 up 13466
Speed in RPM
The following example shows the diag command (standalone unit).
Dell#diag stack-unit 1
Warning - diagnostic execution will cause multiple link flaps on the peer side
- advisable to shut directly connected ports
Proceed with Diags [confirm yes/no]: yes
Dell#Jan 16 02:22:46: %S4810:0 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_STARTED: Starting diags on
stack unit 1
00:06:47 : Approximate time to complete the Diags ... 13 Mins
The following example shows the diag command (stack member).
[output from master unit]
Dell#diag stack-unit 2
Warning - the stack unit will be pulled out of the stack for diagnostic
Proceed with Diags [confirm yes/no]: yes
Warning - diagnostic execution will cause multiple link flaps on the peer side
- advisable
to shut directly connected ports
Proceed with Diags [confirm yes/no]: yes
Dell#00:03:13: %S25P:2 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_STARTED: Starting diags on stack unit
00:03:13 : Approximate time to complete these Diags ... 6 Min
00:03:13 : Diagnostic test results will be stored on stack unit 2 file: flash:/
Dell#00:03:35: %STKUNIT1-M:CP %CHMGR-2-STACKUNIT_DOWN: Stack unit 2 down - card
00:08:50: %STKUNIT1-M:CP %CHMGR-5-STACKUNITDETECTED: Stack unit 2 present
00:09:00: %STKUNIT1-M:CP %CHMGR-5-CHECKIN: Checkin from Stack unit 2 (type
S25P, 28 ports)
00:09:00: %S25P:2 %CHMGR-0-PS_UP: Power supply 0 in unit 2 is up
00:09:00: %STKUNIT1-M:CP %CHMGR-5-STACKUNITUP: Stack unit 2 is up
[output from the console of the unit in which diagnostics are performed]
Diagnostic test results are stored on file: flash:/TestReport-SU-2.txt
Diags completed... Rebooting the system now!!!
S-Series Debugging and Diagnostics