Administrator Guide

May 17 10:17:40 %STKUNIT1-M:CP %FILEMGR-5-FILESAVED: Copied running-config to startup-config
in flash by default
May 17 10:17:37 %STKUNIT1-M:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_UP: Changed interface state to up: Te 1/2
May 17 10:17:34 %STKUNIT1-M:CP %IFMGR-5-ASTATE_UP: Changed interface Admin state to up: Te 1/2
May 17 10:17:32 %STKUNIT1-M:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down: Te 1/2
May 17 10:17:32 %STKUNIT1-M:CP %IFMGR-5-ASTATE_DN: Changed interface Admin state to down: Te
Example 3: service timestamps log uptime
DellEMC(conf)#service timestamps log uptime
DellEMC#show clock
15:51:47.534 IST Fri May 17 2019
DellEMC# show version |grep uptime
Dell EMC Networking OS uptime is 1 day(s), 0 hour(s), 25 minute(s)
DellEMC# show command-history
[1d0h24m]: CMD-(CLI):[service timestamps log uptime]by default from console
[1d0h24m]: CMD-(CLI):[interface tengigabitethernet 1/1]by default from console
[1d0h24m]: CMD-(CLI):[shutdown]by default from console
[1d0h24m]: CMD-(CLI):[no shutdown]by default from console
[1d0h25m]: CMD-(CLI):[end]by default from console
[1d0h25m]: CMD-(CLI):[write memory]by default from console
- Repeated 1 time.
[1d0h25m]: CMD-(CLI):[show clock]by default from console
[1d0h25m]: CMD-(CLI):[show version]by default from console
[1d0h25m]: CMD-(CLI):[show logging]by default from console
[1d0h25m]: CMD-(CLI):[show command-history]by default from console
DellEMC# show logging
Syslog logging: enabled
Console logging: disabled
Monitor logging: level debugging
Buffer logging: level debugging, 6 Messages Logged, Size (40960 bytes)
Trap logging: level informational
Last logging buffer cleared: May 17 15:50:31
1d0h25m %STKUNIT1-M:CP %FILEMGR-5-FILESAVED: Copied running-config to startup-config in flash
by default
1d0h25m %STKUNIT1-M:CP %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console
1d0h24m %STKUNIT1-M:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_UP: Changed interface state to up: Te 1/1
1d0h24m %STKUNIT1-M:CP %IFMGR-5-ASTATE_UP: Changed interface Admin state to up: Te 1/1
1d0h24m %STKUNIT1-M:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down: Te 1/1
1d0h24m %STKUNIT1-M:CP %IFMGR-5-ASTATE_DN: Changed interface Admin state to down: Te 1/1
Example 4: no service timestamps log
DellEMC(conf)#no service timestamps log
DellEMC#show clock
15:55:12.246 IST Fri May 17 2019
DellEMC# show command-history
[May 17 15:53:10]: CMD-(CLI):[no service timestamps log]by default from console
[May 17 15:53:16]: CMD-(CLI):[write memory]by default from console
- Repeated 3 times.
[May 17 15:53:22]: CMD-(CLI):[show logging]by default from console
- Repeated 1 time.
[May 17 15:53:36]: CMD-(CLI):[write memory]by default from console
- Repeated 5 times.
[May 17 15:53:44]: CMD-(CLI):[show logging]by default from console
[May 17 15:53:53]: CMD-(CLI):[show command-history]by default from console
[May 17 15:54:54]: CMD-(CLI):[end]by default from console
[May 17 15:55:00]: CMD-(CLI):[show logging]by default from console
[May 17 15:55:12]: CMD-(CLI):[show clock]by default from console