Administrator Guide

dot1p Value in
the Incoming
Egress Queue Assignment
4 2
5 3
6 3
7 3
dot1p Value in
the Incoming
Egress Queue Assignment
0 2
1 0
2 1
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Conguring the Dynamic Buer Method
Priority-based ow control using dynamic buer spaces is supported on the switch.
To congure the dynamic buer capability, perform the following steps:
1 Enable the DCB application. By default, DCB is enabled and link-level ow control is disabled on all interfaces.
dcb enable
2 Congure the shared PFC buer size and the total buer size. A maximum of 4 lossless queues are supported.
dcb pfc-shared-buffer-size value
dcb pfc-total-buffer-size value
The buer size range is from 0 to 3399. Default is 3088.
3 Congure the number of PFC queues.
dcb enable pfc-queues pfc-queues
The number of ports supported based on lossless queues congured depends on the buer.
For each priority, you can specify the shared buer threshold limit, the ingress buer size, buer limit for pausing the acceptance of
packets, and the buer oset limit for resuming the acceptance of received packets.
4 Congure the prole name for the DCB buer threshold
Data Center Bridging (DCB)