Administrator Guide

generate hash
Generate a hash checksum for the given file or the startup configuration using the MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 algorithm.
generate hash {md5 | sha1 | sha256} {flash://filename | startup-config}
md5 | sha1 |
Enter the keyword md5, sha1, or sha256 to generate .
Enter the keyword flash: and enter the filename to generate the hash checksum for
any file in the flash drive using the MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 algorithm.
startup-config Enter the keyword shartup-config to generate the hash checksum for the startup
configuration using the MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 algorithm.
Defaults None
Command Modes EXEC Privilege
Command History
Version Description
9.14(1.0) Introduced on the S4810 and S4820T.
9.14(0.0) Introduced on the S5048F–ON.
9.13(0.0) Introduced on the S3100 series, S3048–ON, S4048–ON, S4048T-ON, S5000, S6000,
S6000–ON, S6010–ON, S6100–ON, Z9100–ON, Z9500, C9010, MXL, and FN-IOM.
Usage Information
Use the generate hash command to generate a hash checksum for your startup configuration, and use the
hash to verify using the verified boot hash command.
DellEMC#generate hash md5 startup-config
MD5SUM(/f10/flash/startup-config) : f81812a64eea202c5b2ef782639bafc3
root-access password
Configure the root access password.
root-access password [encryption-type] root-password
To reset to the default password, use the no root-access password command.
(OPTIONAL) Enter an encryption type for the root password that you enter.
0 directs the system to store the password as clear text.
7 directs the system to store the password with a dynamic salt.
9 directs the system to encrypt the clear text password and store the encrypted
password in an inaccessible location.
root-password Enter the root password.
Defaults Not configured
Command History
Version Description
9.14(1.0) Introduced on the S4810 and S4820T.
9.14(0.0) Introduced on the S5048F–ON.
9.13(0.0) Introduced on the S3100 series, S3048–ON, S4048–ON, S4048T-ON, S5000, S6000,
S6000–ON, S6010–ON, S6100–ON, Z9100–ON, Z9500, C9010, MXL, and FN-IOM.
1472 Security