Concept Guide

The show VRF commands displays the following output:
DellEMC# show ip route vrf VRF-Blue
C Direct, Te 1/22 0/0 22:39:61
O via 110/0
O via vrf-red: 0/0 00:32:36
<< only OSPF and BGP leaked from VRF-red
Important Points to Remember
Only Active routes are eligible for leaking. For example, if VRF-A has two routes from BGP and OSPF, in which the BGP route is not
active. In this scenario, the OSPF route takes precedence over BGP. Even though the Target VRF-B has specied ltering options to
match BGP, the BGP route is not leaked as that route is not active in the Source VRF.
The export-target and import-target support only the match protocol and match prex-list options. Other options that are congured in
the route-maps are ignored.
You can expose a unique set of routes from the Source VRF for Leaking to other VRFs. For example, in VRF-red there is no option for
exporting one set of routes (for example, OSPF) to VRF- blue and another set of routes (for example, BGP routes) to some other VRF.
Similarly, when two VRFs leak or export routes, there is no option to discretely lter leaked routes from each source VRF. Meaning, you
cannot import one set of routes from VRF-red and another set of routes from VRF-blue.
1182 Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)