Concept Guide

EXEC Privilege mode
show system brief
3 Start diagnostics on the unit.
diag stack-unit stack-unit-number
When the tests are complete, the system displays the following message and automatically reboots the unit.
DellEMC#00:09:42 : Diagnostic test results are stored on file: flash:/TestReport-SU-0.txt
Diags completed... Rebooting the system now!!!
Mar 12 10:40:35: %S4810:0 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_DONE: Diags finished on stack unit 0
DellEMC#00:09:42 : Diagnostic test results are stored on file: flash:/TestReport-SU-0.txt
Diags completed... Rebooting the system now!!!
Mar 12 10:40:35: %S6000:0 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_DONE: Diags finished on stack unit 1
Diagnostic results are printed to a le in the ash using the lename format TestReport-SU-<stack-unit-id>.txt.
Log messages dier somewhat when diagnostics are done on a standalone unit and on a stack member.
4 View the results of the diagnostic tests.
EXEC Privilege mode
show file flash://TestReport-SU-stack-unit-id.txt
Examples of Running Oine Diagnostics
The following example shows the offline stack-unit id command.
The following example shows the show system brief command.
DellEMC#show system brief
Stack MAC : 00:01:e8:8b:5d:8c
Reload-Type : normal-reload [Next boot : normal-reload]
-- Stack Info --
Unit UnitType Status ReqTyp CurTyp Version Ports
0 Management online S4810 S4810 9-4(0-89) 64
1 Member not present
2 Member not present
3 Member not present
4 Member not present
5 Member not present
6 Member not present
7 Member not present
8 Member not present
9 Member not present
10 Member not present
11 Member not present
-- Power Supplies --
Unit Bay Status Type FanSpeed(rpm)
0 0 down UNKNOWN 0
0 1 up AC 14000
-- Fan Status --
Unit Bay TrayStatus Fan0 Speed Fan1 Speed
0 0 up up 13466 up 13466
0 1 up up 13653 up 13466
Speed in RPM
Debugging and Diagnostics