Concept Guide

Establishing Sessions with IS-IS Neighbors
BFD sessions can be established for all IS-IS neighbors at once or sessions can be established for all neighbors out of a specic interface.
Figure 14. Establishing Sessions with IS-IS Neighbors
To establish BFD with all IS-IS neighbors or with IS-IS neighbors on a single interface, use the following commands.
Establish sessions with all IS-IS neighbors.
bfd all-neighbors
Establish sessions with IS-IS neighbors on a single interface.
isis bfd all-neighbors
Example of Verifying Sessions with IS-IS Neighbors
To view the established sessions, use the show bfd neighbors command.
The bold line shows that IS-IS BFD sessions are enabled.
R2(conf-router_isis)#bfd all-neighbors
R2(conf-router_isis)#do show bfd neighbors
* - Active session role
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)