Concept Guide

enable: use the password you dened using the enable secret, enable password, or enable sha256-password
command in CONFIGURATION mode. In general, the enable secret command overrules the enable password command.
If you congure the enable sha256-password command, it overrules both the enable secret and enable password
line: use the password you dened using the password command in LINE mode.
local: use the username/password database dened in the local conguration.
none: no authentication.
radius: use the RADIUS servers congured with the radius-server host command.
tacacs+: use the TACACS+ servers congured with the tacacs-server host command.
2 Enter LINE mode.
line {aux 0 | console 0 | vty number [... end-number]}
3 Assign a method-list-name or the default list to the terminal line.
LINE mode
login authentication {method-list-name | default}
To view the conguration, use the show config command in LINE mode or the show running-config in EXEC Privilege mode.
NOTE: Dell EMC Networking recommends using the none method only as a backup. This method does not authenticate users.
The none and enable methods do not work with secure shell (SSH).
You can create multiple method lists and assign them to dierent terminal lines.
Enabling AAA Authentication
To enable AAA authentication, use the following command.
Enable AAA authentication.
aaa authentication enable {method-list-name | default} method1 [... method4]
default: uses the listed authentication methods that follow this argument as the default list of methods when a user logs in.
method-list-name: character string used to name the list of enable authentication methods activated when a user logs in.
method1 [... method4]: any of the following: RADIUS, TACACS, enable, line, none.
If you do not set the default list, only the local enable is checked. This setting has the same eect as issuing an aaa authentication
enable default enable command.
Enabling AAA Authentication — RADIUS
To enable authentication from the RADIUS server, and use TACACS as a backup, use the following commands.
1 Enable RADIUS and set up TACACS as backup.
aaa authentication enable default radius tacacs
2 Establish a host address and password.
radius-server host x.x.x.x key some-password