Users Guide

VmanDualQos : 0
EcfmAcl : 0
FcoeAcl : 0
iscsiOptAcl : 0
ipv4pbr : 0
vrfv4Acl : 0
Openflow : 0
fedgovacl : 0
View CAM Usage
View the amount of CAM space available, used, and remaining in each ACL partition using the show cam-usage command from EXEC
Privilege mode.
Example of the show cam-usage Command
Dell#show cam-usage
Stackunit|Portpipe| CAM Partition | Total CAM | Used CAM |Available CAM
1 0 | IN-L3 ACL | 512 | 1 | 511
| | IN-V6 ACL | 0 | 0 | 0
| | IN-L2 ACL | 768 | 0 | 768
| | OUT-L3 ACL | 158 | 5 | 153
| | OUT-V6 ACL | 158 | 0 | 158
| | OUT-L2 ACL | 206 | 7 | 199
6 | 0 | IN-L3 ACL | 512 | 1 | 511
| | IN-V6 ACL | 0 | 0 | 0
| | IN-L2 ACL | 768 | 0 | 768
| | OUT-L3 ACL | 158 | 5 | 153
| | OUT-V6 ACL | 158 | 0 | 158
| | OUT-L2 ACL | 206 | 7 | 199
Codes: * - cam usage is above 90%.
CAM Optimization
When you enable the CAM optimization, if a Policy Map containing classification rules (ACL and/or DSCP/ ip-precedence rules) is applied
to more than one physical interface on the same port-pipe, only a single copy of the policy is written (only one FP entry is used). When
you disable this command, the system behaves as described in this chapter.
Troubleshoot CAM Profiling
The following section describes CAM profiling troubleshooting.
QoS CAM Region Limitation
To store QoS service policies, the default CAM profile allocates a partition within the IPv4Flow region.
If the QoS CAM space is exceeded, a message similar to the following displays.
%EX2YD:12 %DIFFSERV-2-DSA_QOS_CAM_INSTALL_FAILED: Not enough space in L3
Cam(PolicyQos) for class 2 (Te 1/20) entries on portpipe 1 for linecard 1
DSA_QOS_CAM_INSTALL_FAILED: Not enough space in L3 Cam(PolicyQos) for class 5 (Te 1/
22) entries on portpipe 1 for linecard 1
If you exceed the QoS CAM space, follow these steps.
1. Verify that you have configured a CAM profile that allocates 24 K entries to the IPv4 system flow region.
2. Allocate more entries in the IPv4Flow region to QoS.
Dell Networking OS supports the ability to view the actual CAM usage before applying a service-policy. The test cam-usage
service-policy command provides this test framework. For more information, refer to Pre-Calculating Available QoS CAM Space.
Content Addressable Memory (CAM)