Users Guide

Peer Stack-unit: not present
-- Stack-unit Redundancy Configuration --
Primary Stack-unit: mgmt-id 0
Auto Data Sync: Full
Failover Type: Hot Failover
Auto reboot Stack-unit: Enabled
Auto failover limit: 3 times in 60 minutes
-- Stack-unit Failover Record --
Failover Count: 0
Last failover timestamp: None
Last failover Reason: None
Last failover type: None
-- Last Data Block Sync Record: --
Stack Unit Config: no block sync done
Start-up Config: no block sync done
Runtime Event Log: no block sync done
Running Config: no block sync done
ACL Mgr: no block sync done
LACP: no block sync done
STP: no block sync done
SPAN: no block sync done
Synchronization between Management and Standby Units
Data between the Management and Standby units is synchronized immediately after bootup.
After the Management and Standby units have done an initial full synchronization (block sync), Dell Networking OS only updates changed
data (incremental sync). The data that is synchronized consists of configuration data, operational data, state and status, and statistics
depending on the Dell Networking OS version.
Forcing an Stack Unit Failover
To force an Stack unit failover, use the following command.
Use this feature when you are replacing a stack unit and when you are performing a warm upgrade.
To trigger a stack unit failover.
EXEC Privilege mode
redundancy force-failover stack-unit
Dell#redundancy force-failover stack-unit
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: yes
Proceed with Stack-unit hot failover [confirm yes/no]:yes
Specifying an Auto-Failover Limit
When a non-recoverable fatal error is detected, an automatic failover occurs.
However, Dell Networking OS is configured to auto-failover only three times within any 60 minute period. You may specify a different
auto-failover count.
To re-enable the auto-failover-limit with its default parameters, use the redundancy auto-failover-limit command without
Set a different auto-failover count.
High Availability (HA)