Users Guide

View the summary information for the OSPF database.
EXEC Privilege mode
show ip ospf database
View the configuration of OSPF neighbors connected to the local router.
EXEC Privilege mode
show ip ospf neighbor
View the LSAs currently in the queue.
EXEC Privilege mode
show ip ospf timers rate-limit
View debug messages.
EXEC Privilege mode
debug ip ospf process-id [event | packet | spf | database-timers rate-limit]
To view debug messages for a specific OSPF process ID, use the debug ip ospf process-id command.
If you do not enter a process ID, the command applies to the first OSPF process.
To view debug messages for a specific operation, enter one of the optional keywords:
event: view OSPF event messages.
packet: view OSPF packet information.
spf: view SPF information.
database-timers rate-limit: view the LSAs currently in the queue.
Dell#show run ospf
router ospf 4
network area 1
ipv6 router ospf 999
default-information originate always
Sample Configurations for OSPFv2
The following configurations are examples for enabling OSPFv2.
These examples are not comprehensive directions. They are intended to give you some guidance with typical configurations.
You can copy and paste from these examples to your CLI. To support your own IP addresses, interfaces, names, and so on, be sure that
you make the necessary changes.
Basic OSPFv2 Router Topology
The following illustration is a sample basic OSPFv2 topology.
Open Shortest Path First (OSPFv2 and OSPFv3)