Users Guide

The following example shows how to verify tracking using the show conf command.
Dell(conf-if-te-1/1-vrid-111)#show conf
vrrp-group 111
advertise-interval 10
authentication-type simple 7 387a7f2df5969da4
no preempt
priority 255
track TenGigabitEthernet 1/2
The following example shows verifying the tracking status.
Dell#show track
Track 2
IPv6 route 2040::/64 metric threshold
Metric threshold is Up (STATIC/0/0)
5 changes, last change 00:02:16
Metric threshold down 255 up 254
First-hop interface is TenGigabitEthernet 1/3
Tracked by:
VRRP TenGigabitEthernet 1/8 IPv6 VRID 1
Track 3
IPv6 route 2050::/64 reachability
Reachability is Up (STATIC)
5 changes, last change 00:02:16
First-hop interface is TenGigabitEthernet 1/3
Tracked by:
VRRP TenGigabitEthernet 1/8 IPv6 VRID 1
The following example shows verifying the VRRP status.
Dell#show vrrp
TenGigabitEthernet 1/8, IPv6 VRID: 1, Version: 3, Net: fe80::201:e8ff:fe01:95cc
VRF: 0 default-vrf
State: Master, Priority: 100, Master: fe80::201:e8ff:fe01:95cc (local)
Hold Down: 0 centisec, Preempt: TRUE, AdvInt: 100 centisec
Accept Mode: FALSE, Master AdvInt: 100 centisec
Adv rcvd: 0, Bad pkts rcvd: 0, Adv sent: 310
Virtual MAC address:
Virtual IP address:
2007::1 fe80::1
Tracking states for 2 resource Ids:
2 - Up IPv6 route, 2040::/64, priority-cost 20, 00:02:11
3 - Up IPv6 route, 2050::/64, priority-cost 30, 00:02:11
The following example shows verifying the VRRP configuration on an interface.
Dell#show running-config interface tengigabitethernet 1/8
interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/8
no ip address
ipv6 address 2007::30/64
vrrp-ipv6-group 1
track 2 priority-cost 20
track 3 priority-cost 30
virtual-address 2007::1
virtual-address fe80::1
no shutdown
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)