Users Guide

Table 104. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) (continued)
RFC# Full Name S-Series/Z-Series
draft-ietf-idrrestart- 06 Graceful Restart Mechanism for BGP 7.8.1
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
The following table lists the Dell Networking OS support per platform for OSPF protocol.
Table 105. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
RFC# Full Name S-Series/Z-Series
1587 The OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option 7.6.1
2154 OSPF with Digital Signatures 7.6.1
2328 OSPF Version 2 7.6.1
2370 The OSPF Opaque LSA Option 7.6.1
2740 OSPF for IPv6 9.1(0.0)
3623 Graceful OSPF Restart 7.8.1
4222 Prioritized Treatment of Specific OSPF Version 2
Packets and Congestion Avoidance
Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS)
The following table lists the Dell Networking OS support per platform for IS-IS protocol.
Table 106. Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS)
RFC# Full Name S-Series
1142 OSI IS-IS Intra-Domain Routing Protocol (ISO DP
1195 Use of OSI IS-IS for Routing in TCP/IP and Dual
2763 Dynamic Hostname Exchange Mechanism for IS-IS
2966 Domain-wide Prefix Distribution with Two-Level
3373 Three-Way Handshake for Intermediate System to
Intermediate System (IS-IS) Point-to-Point
3567 IS-IS ACruythpetongtircaapthioicn
3784 Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-
IS) Extensions in Support of Generalized Multi-
Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS)
5120 MT-ISIS: Multi Topology (MT) Routing in
Intermediate System to Intermediate Systems (IS-
5306 Restart Signaling for IS-IS
5308 Routing IPv6 with IS-IS
draft-ietf-isis-igpp2p- over-lan-06 Point-to-point operation over LAN in link-state
routing protocols
draft-kaplan-isis-e xt-eth-02 Extended Ethernet Frame Size Support
Standards Compliance 945