
Read output
root@dell-diag-os:~# memtool --read --addr=200
[00000200]: 0x00 || .
Write output
root@dell-diag-os:~# memtool --write --addr=200 --val=0x50
You cannot perform memory tests while other tests that allocate and use memory within the region are performing. However,
you can perform the Read tests concurrently with other processes. You cannot run multiple memory tests at the same time as
they may collide within the memory spaces.
Memory tests cannot test all the memory, and without cache flushes, memory tests may not get out of the caches. The SDI
must ensure the memory accessed is accessing the physical memory. This check slows down the tests.
Data flow
The memtool is not part of the data path and does not participate in the data flow.
The nputool allows for configuring and testing the switch ASICs.
The nputool tests the NPU in the system. The nputool verifies that ports are up and traffic between the ports is working
either using the CPU-generated packet or using IXIA connected to port-1 and port-2 based on the configuration.
Tests are shown in the following sections.
CLI options
The nputool shows the available options with the nputool -h or nputool command.
DellEmc Diag ---- NPU Tool
version 1.0, x.xx.x.x-x
build, 2017/05/23,
Syntax: nputool
-h, --help := Show this help
-i, --init := Initialize NPU chip
-t, --test
all := Run All NPU tests
id := Run test based on test ID
-s, --show
counter := Dump packet counters
temp := Display NPU temperature
-l, --lpbk [phy/mac/ext]:= Specify Loopback type for traffic test
-T, --traffic [ixia_self,ixia_adj,cpu_self,cpu_adj]
:= Send IXIA or CPU traffic based on specified cfg
self->timbercon lpbk, adj->fiber lpbk
-I, --iteration [count]:= Execute repeatedly command by count
Dell EMC DAIG-OS tools