
0x102 SW_SCRATCH bits:8 RW val:0xde mask:0xff test:1 ver:0x0
7:0 SW_SCRATCH RW 0xde
0x103 CPLD_ID bits:8 RO val:0xff mask:0xff test:0 ver:0x0
7:0 CPLD_ID RO 0x1
0x10f BOARD_REV bits:8 RO val:0xff mask:0xff test:0 ver:0x0
0x110 CPLD_SEP_RST0 bits:8 RO val:0xff mask:0xff test:0 ver:0x0
7 Reset Extender CPLD 4 RW 0x1
0 Reset
1 Not Reset
6 Reset Extender CPLD 3 RW 0x1
0 Reset
1 Not Reset
5 Reset Extender CPLD 2 RW 0x1
0 Reset
1 Not Reset
4 PCA9548_RST7 RW 0x1
0 Reset
1 Not Reset
3 PCA9548_RST6 RW 0x1
0 Reset
1 Not Reset
2 PCA9548_RST5 RW 0x1
0 Reset
1 Not Reset
1 PCA9548_RST4 RW 0x1
0 Reset
1 Not Reset
Listdevicenames output
Based from the output of --devicenames, you can decide if you must use the --devname= option in the read or write
functions. You can access CPLD1 being at deviceaddress 0, using the register value for the register you want, such as:
root@dell-diag-os:~# pltool -listdevicenames
0x0 : CPLD1
0x3e : CPLD2
0x3e : CPLD3
0x3e : CPLD4
0x0 : SMF_FPGA
Read output
root@dell-diag-os:~# pltool --read --devname=CPLD4 --dev=0x3e --reg=0x2
SW_SCRATCH : offset 0x02 = 0xde
7: 0 SW_SCRATCH = de
Write output
root@dell-diag-os:~# pltool --write --devname=CPLD4 --dev=0x3e --reg=0x2 --val=0xff
Test output
root@dell-diag-os:~# pltool --test
Testing Programmable Devices:
PL Tool test:
CPLD1 .................... Passed
CPLD2: SW_SCRATCH.................... Passed
CPLD3: SW_SCRATCH.................... Passed
Dell EMC DAIG-OS tools