Users Guide

The show ip arp vrf and show ipv6 neighbors vrf command output displays information about IPv4 and IPv6
neighbors learned in a non-default VRF on the switch. The show ip route vrf command displays the IPv4 and IPv6 routes
OS10# show ip arp vrf tenant1
Address Hardware address Interface Egress Interface
---------------------------------------------------------------- 00:c5:15:02:12:f1 virtual-network20 ethernet1/1/5 00:c5:15:02:12:a2 virtual-network20 port-channel5 00:12:98:1f:34:11 virtual-network20 VXLAN( 00:12:28:1f:34:15 virtual-network20 port-channel5 00:f2:34:ac:34:09 virtual-network20 VXLAN(
OS10# show ipv6 neighbors vrf tenant1
IPv6 Address Hardware Address State Interface Egress Interface
200::2 00:12:28:1f:34:15 STALE virtual-network40 port-channel5
200::f 00:f2:34:ac:34:09 REACH virtual-network40 VXLAN(
OS10# show ip route vrf vrf_1
Codes: C - connected
S - static
B - BGP, IN - internal BGP, EX - external BGP
O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
E2 - OSPF external type 2, * - candidate default,
+ - summary route, > - non-active route
Gateway of last resort is not set
Destination Gateway Dist/Metric Last Change
C via virtual-network60000 0/0 00:36:24
C via virtual-network60032 0/0 00:36:23
C via virtual-network60064 0/0 00:36:22
C via virtual-network60096 0/0 00:36:21
OS10# show ipv6 route vrf vrf_1
Codes: C - connected
S - static
B - BGP, IN - internal BGP, EX - external BGP
O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
E2 - OSPF external type 2, * - candidate default,
+ - summary route, > - non-active route
Gateway of last resort is not set
Destination Gateway Dist/Metric Last Change
C 1000:100:10:1::/64 via 1000:100:10:1::4 virtual-network60000 0/0 00:37:08
C 1000:100:10:21::/64 via 1000:100:10:21::4 virtual-network60032 0/0 00:37:07
C 1000:100:10:41::/64 via 1000:100:10:41::4 virtual-network60064 0/0 00:37:06
C 1000:100:10:61::/64 via 1000:100:10:61::4 virtual-network60096 0/0 00:37:05
VXLAN MAC addresses
Use the show mac address-table virtual-network or show mac address-table extended commands to
display the MAC addresses learned on a VXLAN virtual network or learned on both VXLAN virtual networks and legacy VLANs.
Use the clear mac address-table dynamic virtual-network and clear mac address-table dynamic nve
remote-vtep commands to delete address entries from the MAC address virtual-network table.
The existing show mac address-table and clear mac-address table commands do not display and
clear MAC addresses in a virtual-network bridge domain even when access ports in a switch-scoped VLAN are assigned to a
VXLAN virtual network.
Display VXLAN MAC addresses