Users Guide

Default Not configured
Command Mode IPV4-ACL
OS10 cannot count both packets and bytes; when you use the count byte options, only bytes
increment. The no version of this command removes the filter.
OS10(config)# ip access-list testflow
OS10(conf-ipv4-acl)# deny tcp any any capture session 1
10.2.0E or later
deny tcp (IPv6)
Configures a filter that drops TCP IPv6 packets meeting the filter criteria.
deny tcp [A::B | A::B/x | any | host ipv6-address [operator]] [A::B | A:B/x
| any | host ipv6-address [operator]] [ack | fin | psh | rst | syn | urg]
[capture | count | dscp value | fragment | log]
A::B Enter the IPv6 address in hexadecimal format separated by colons.
A::B/x Enter the number of bits to match to the IPv6 address.
any (Optional) Enter the keyword any to specify any source or destination IP address.
host ipv6-address (Optional) Enter the IPv6 address to use a host address only.
capture (Optional) Capture packets the filter processes.
count (Optional) Count packets the filter processes.
byte (Optional) Count bytes the filter processes.
dscp value (Optional) Deny a packet based on the DSCP values, from 0 to 63.
fragment (Optional) Use ACLs to control packet fragments.
log (Optional) Enables ACL logging. Information about packets that match an ACL rule are logged.
operator (Optional) Enter a logical operator to match the packets on the specified port number.
The following options are available:
eq Equal to
gt Greater than
lt Lesser than
neq Not equal to
range Range of ports, including the specified port numbers.
Default Not configured
Command Mode IPV6-ACL
OS10 cannot count both packets and bytes; when you use the count byte options, only bytes
increment. The no version of this command removes the filter.
OS10(config)# ipv6 access-list ipv6test
OS10(conf-ipv6-acl)# deny tcp any any capture session 1
10.2.0E or later
deny udp
Configures a filter to drop User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets meeting the filter criteria.
deny udp [A.B.C.D | A.B.C.D/x | any | host ip-address [operator]] [A.B.C.D
| A.B.C.D/x | any | host ip-address [operator]] [ack | fin | psh | rst |
syn | urg] [capture | count | dscp value | fragment | log]
Access Control Lists 1481