Reference Guide

UFT modes
Unied Forwarding Table (UFT) gives the exibility to congure the sizes of internal L2/L3 forwarding tables of a switch to match the
needs of particular network environment. A switch in a Layer 2 network may require a larger MAC address table size, while a switch in a
Layer 3 network may require a larger routing table size.
OS10 supports several UFT modes for the forwarding tables. By default, OS10 selects a UFT mode which provides a reasonable size for all
tables. The supported UFT modes are: default, scaled-l2–switch, scaled-l3–hosts, and scaled-l3–routes.
Table 4. UFT Modes — Table Size for S4000, S6010,S4048
UFT Mode L2 MAC Table Size L3 Host Table Size L3 Routes Table Size
Scaled-l2–switch 294912 16384 16384
Scaled-l3–hosts 98304 212992 98304
Scaled-l3–routes 32768 16384 131072
Default 163840 147456 16384
Table 5. UFT Modes — Table Size for S3000
UFT Mode L2 MAC Table Size L3 Host Table Size L3 Routes Table Size
Scaled-l2–switch 40960 2048 8192
Scaled-l3–hosts 8192 18432 8192
Default 28672 8192 8192
Table 6. UFT Modes — Table Size for S41XX
UFT Mode L2 MAC Table Size L3 Host Table Size L3 Routes Table Size
Scaled-l2–switch 278528 4096 16384
Scaled-l3–hosts 16384 266240 16384
Scaled-l3–routes 16384 4096 262144
Default 81920 69632 131072
UFT modes 429