Users Guide

Table Of Contents
lockout-period minutes Sets the amount of time that a user ID is prevented from accessing the system after
exceeding the maximum number of failed login attempts, from 0 to 43,200; default 0.
When a user is locked out due to exceeding the maximum number of failed login attempts, other users can still access the
By default, lockout-period minutes is 0; no lockout period is configured. Failed login attempts do not lock out a user.
Configure user lockout
OS10(config)# password-attributes max-retry 4 lockout period 360
Linuxadmin user configuration
OS10 supports two factory-default users: admin and linuxadmin. Use the admin user name to log in to the command-line
interface. Use the linuxadmin user name to access the Linux shell.
To manage the default linuxadmin user from the CLI, you can:
Configure a lost or forgotten linuxadmin password.
Disable the linuxadmin user.
NOTE: These tasks allow you to manage only the default linuxadmin user, not other Linux users created at the root
Configure linuxadmin password from CLI
To configure a password for the linuxadmin user, use the system-user linuxadmin password {clear-text-
password | hashed-password} command in CONFIGURATION mode. Save the new password using the write memory
command. For example:
OS10(config)# system-user linuxadmin password Dell@admin10!@
OS10(config)# exit
OS10# write memory
OS10(config)# system-user linuxadmin
password $6$3M55wOYy$Sw1V9Ok3GE4Hmf6h1ARH.dBHy9gpEFYUvdu15ZpnCYzt.nJjFm0VIz/
OS10(config)# exit
OS10# write memory
The linuxadmin password configured from the CLI takes precedence across reboots over the password configured from the
Linux shell.
Verify the linuxadmin password using the show running-configuration command.
OS10# show running-configuration
system-user linuxadmin password
Disable linuxadmin user
To disable or lock the linuxadmin user, use the system-user linuxadmin disable command in CONFIGURATION
OS10(config)# system-user linuxadmin disable
To re-enable or unlock the linuxadmin user, use the no system-user linuxadmin disable command in
OS10(config)# no system-user linuxadmin disable