Reference Guide

Media endpoint discovery
LLDP media endpoint discovery (LLDP-MED) provides additional organizationally-specic TLVs to allow endpoint devices and network
connectivity devices to advertise their characteristics and conguration information.
LLDP-MED endpoint devices are located at the IEEE 802 LAN network edge and participate in IP communication service using the LLDP-
MED framework, such as IP phones and conference bridges. LLDP-MED network connectivity devices provide access to the IEEE 802-
based LAN infrastructure for LLDP-MED endpoint devices, such as IP phones. An OS10 device acts as an LLDP-MED network connectivity
LLDP-MED provides network connectivity devices to:
Manage inventory
Manage PoE
Identify physical location
Identify network policy
NOTE: Only the Rx function is supported for managing PoE and identifying the physical location. LLDP-MED is designed for but
not limited to VoIP endpoints.
Network connectivity device
OS10 can acts as an LLDP-MED network connectivity device (Type 4). Network connectivity devices transmit an LLDP-MED capability
TLV to endpoint devices and store information that endpoint devices advertise.
127/1 — LLDP-MED
If the transmitting device supports LLDP-MED
What LLDP-MED TLVs are supported
LLDP device class
127/2 — Network
Application type, VLAN ID, L2 priority, and DSCP value.
127/3 — Local
Physical location of the device expressed in one of three formats:
Coordinate-based LCI
Civic address LCI
Emergency call services ELIN
127/4 — Extended
Power requirements, priority, and power status.
LLDP-MED capabilities TLV
The LLDP-MED capabilities TLV communicates the types of TLVs that the endpoint device and the network connectivity device support.
The value of the LLDP-MED capabilities eld in the TLV is a 2–octet bitmap. Each bit represents an LLDP-MED capability.
LLDP-MED is enabled by default on an interface. If you disable LLDP-MED, use the lldp med enable command to re-enable it on an
interface. The device transmits MED PDUs only when it receives a TLV from a peer. The device does not otherwise send PDUs — even if
MED is enabled on an interface.
Layer 2