Reference Guide

Supported Releases 10.3.0E or later
Enables route reection between clients in a cluster.
client-to-client {reflection}
Parameters reflection — Enter to enable reection of routes allowed in a cluster.
Default Enabled
Command Mode ROUTER-BGP
Usage Information Congure the route reector to enable route reection between all clients. You must fully mesh all clients before
you disable route reection. The no version of this command disables route reection in a cluster.
NOTE: To congure these settings for a non default VRF instance, you must rst enter the ROUTER-
CONFIG-VRF sub mode using the following commands:
1 Enter the ROUTER BGP mode using the router bgp as-number command.
2 From the ROUTER BGP mode, enter the ROUTER BGP VRF mode using the vrf vrf-name
OS10(conf-router-bgp-2)# client-to-client reflection
Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
Assigns a cluster ID to a BGP cluster with multiple route reectors.
cluster-id {number | ip-address}
number—Enter a route reector cluster ID as a 32-bit number, from 1 to 4294967295.
ip-address—Enter an IP address as the route-reector cluster ID.
Default Router ID
Command Mode ROUTER-BGP
Usage Information If a cluster contains only one route reector, the cluster ID is the route reector’s router ID. For redundancy, a BGP
cluster may contain two or more route reectors. Without a cluster ID, the route reector cannot recognize route
updates from the other route reectors within the cluster. The default format to display the cluster ID is A.B.C.D
format. If you enter the cluster ID as an integer, an integer displays. The no version of this command resets the
value to the default.
NOTE: To congure these settings for a non default VRF instance, you must rst enter the ROUTER-
CONFIG-VRF sub mode using the following commands:
1 Enter the ROUTER BGP mode using the router bgp as-number command.
2 From the ROUTER BGP mode, enter the ROUTER BGP VRF mode using the vrf vrf-name
OS10(conf-router-bgp-10)# cluster-id
332 Layer 3