Reference Guide

ip as-path access-list
Create an AS-path ACL lter for BGP routes using a regular expression.
ip as-path access-list name {deny | permit} regexp-string
name — Enter an access list name.
deny | permit — Reject or accept a matching route.
regexp-string — Enter a regular expression string to match an AS-path route attribute.
Defaults Not congured
Usage Information
You can specify an access-list lter on inbound and outbound BGP routes. The ACL lter consists of regular
expressions. If a regular expression matches an AS path attribute in a BGP route, the route is rejected or accepted.
The AS path does not contain the local AS number. The no version of this command removes a single access list
entry if you specify deny and a regexp. Otherwise, the entire access list is removed.
The question mark (?) character is not supported in the regular expressions. All other special characters are
supported. When you are using backslash(\) or double quotes (”) in the regular expression, precede
these characters with
backslash(\). For example, enter \\ or \”.
OS10(config)# ip as-path access-list abc deny 123
Supported Release 10.3.0E or later
ip community-list standard deny
Creates a standard community list for BGP to deny access.
ip community-list standard name deny {aa:nn | no-advertise | local-AS | no-
export | internet}
name — Enter the name of the standard community list used to identify one more deny groups of
aa:nn — Enter the community number in the format aa:nn, where aa is the number that identies the
autonomous system and
nn is a number the identies the community within the autonomous system.
no-advertise — Enter the keyword for BGP to not advertise this route to any internal or external peer.
local-AS — Enter the keyword for BGP to not advertise this route to external peers.
no-export — Enter the keyword for BGP to not advertise this route outside a BGP confederation boundary.
internet — Enter the keyword for an Internet community.
Defaults Not congured
Usage Information The no version of this command removes the community list.
OS10(config)# ip community-list standard STD_LIST deny local-AS
614 Access Control Lists