Reference Guide

logging log-le
Disables, enables, or sets the minimum severity level for logging to the logle.
logging log-file {disable | enable | severity}
To reset the log-le severity to the default level, use the no logging log-file severity command. The
default severity level is log-notice.
Parameters severity — Set the minimum logging severity level:
log-emerg — Set the system as unusable.
log-alert — Set to immediate action is needed.
log-crit — Set to critical conditions.
log-err — Set to error conditions.
log-warning — Set to warning conditions.
log-notice — Set to normal but signicant conditions (default).
log-info — Set to informational messages.
log-debug — Set to debug messages.
Default Log-notice
Usage Information None
OS10(config)# logging log-file disable
Example (Enable)
OS10(config)# logging log-file enable
Example (Severity)
OS10(config)# logging log-file severity log-notice
Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
logging monitor
Set the minimum severity level for logging to the terminal lines.
logging monitor severity severity-level
To reset the monitor severity to the default level, use the no logging monitor severity command. The
default severity level is log-notice.
Parameters severity-level — Set the minimum logging severity level:
log-emerg — Set the system as unusable.
log-alert — Set to immediate action is needed.
log-crit — Set to critical conditions.
log-err — Set to error conditions.
log-warning — Set to warning conditions.
log-notice — Set to normal but signicant conditions (default).
844 Troubleshoot OS10