Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Defaults Not configured
Command Mode EXEC
To display the contents of the audit log, use the show logging audit command.
OS10# clear logging audit
Proceed to clear all audit log messages [confirm yes/no(default)]:yes
Releases or later
show logging audit
Displays audit log entries.
show logging audit [reverse] [number]
reverse Display entries starting with the most recent events.
number Display the specified number of audit log entries users, from 1 to 65535.
Default Display 24 entries starting with the oldest events.
Command Mode EXEC
Only the sysadmin and secadmin roles can display the audit log. Enter reverse to display entries
starting with the most recent events. You can change the number of entries displayed. Audit log records
do not display on the console as they occur. They are saved in the audit log and forwarded to any
configured Syslog servers.
OS10# show logging audit 4
<14>1 2019-02-14T13:15:06.283337+00:00 OS10 audispd - - - Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [audit],
Dell EMC (OS10) node=OS10 type=USER_END msg=audit(1550150106.277:597): pid=7908 uid=0
auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='op=PAM:session_close acct="admin" exe="/bin/su"
hostname=? addr=? terminal=??? res=success'
<110>1 2019-02-14T13:15:16.331515+00:00 OS10 .clish 7412 - - Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [audit],
User admin on console used cmd: 'crypto security-profile mltestprofile' - success
<110>1 2019-02-14T13:15:21.794529+00:00 OS10 .clish 7412 - - Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [audit],
User admin on console used cmd: 'exit' - success
<110>1 2019-02-14T13:16:05.882555+00:00 OS10 .clish 7412 - - Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [audit],
User admin on console used cmd: 'exit' - success
OS10# show logging audit reverse 4
<110>1 2019-02-14T13:16:05.882555+00:00 OS10 .clish 7412 - - Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [audit],
User admin on console used cmd: 'exit' - success
<110>1 2019-02-14T13:15:21.794529+00:00 OS10 .clish 7412 - - Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [audit],
User admin on console used cmd: 'exit' - success
<110>1 2019-02-14T13:15:16.331515+00:00 OS10 .clish 7412 - - Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [audit],
User admin on console used cmd: 'crypto security-profile mltestprofile' - success
<14>1 2019-02-14T13:15:06.283337+00:00 OS10 audispd - - - Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [audit],
Dell EMC (OS10) node=OS10 type=USER_END msg=audit(1550150106.277:597): pid=7908 uid=0
auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='op=PAM:session_close acct="admin" exe="/bin/su"
hostname=? addr=? terminal=??? res=success'OS10# show logging audit reverse 10
Supported Releases or later
logging audit enable
Enables recording of configuration and security event in the audit log.
logging audit enable
Parameters None
1160 Security