Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Network health relies on performance monitoring and data collection for analysis and troubleshooting. Network data is often
collected with SNMP and CLI commands using the pull mode. In pull mode, a management device sends a get request and pulls
data from a client. As the number of objects in the network and the metrics grow, traditional methods limit network scaling and
efficiency. Using multiple management systems further limits network scaling. The pull model increases the processing load on a
switch by collecting all data even when there is no change.
Streaming telemetry provides an alternative method where data is continuously transmitted from network devices with efficient,
incremental updates. Operators subscribe to the specific data they need using well-defined sensor identifiers.
While SNMP management systems poll for data even if there is no change, streaming telemetry enables access to near
real-time, model-driven, and analytics-ready data. It supports more effective network automation, traffic optimization, and
preventative troubleshooting.
For example, streaming telemetry reports packet drops or high utilization on links in real time. A network automation application
can use this information to provision new paths and optimize traffic transmission across the network. The data is encoded using
Google Protocol Buffers (GPB) and streamed using Google Protocol RPC (gRPC) transport.
You can use OS10 telemetry to stream data to:
Dell-implemented external collectors, such as VMware vRNI or Wavefront
Proprietary network collectors that you implement
Telemetry terminology
Dial-out mode
The switch initiates a session with one or more devices according to the sensor paths and destinations in
a subscription.
Sensor path The path used to collect data for streaming telemetry.
Sensor group A reusable group of multiple sensor paths and exclude filters.
The IP address and transport port on a destination server to which telemetry data is streamed. You can
configure multiple destinations and reuse the destination group in subscription profiles.
Data collector destinations and stream attributes that are associated with sensor paths. A subscription
ties sensor paths and a destination group with a transport protocol, encoding format, and streaming
The telemetry agent in the switch attempts to establish a session with each collector in the subscription
profile, and streams data to the collector. If a collector is not reachable, the telemetry agent continuously
tries to establish the connection at one-minute intervals.
YANG-modeled telemetry data
This section describes the YANG containers from which telemetry data can be streamed to destinations with the recommended
minimum sampling intervals.
Table 94. BGP
YANG Container Minimum sampling interval (milliseconds)
bgp/bgp-oper/bgpPeerCount 15000
bgp/bgp-oper/bgpPrfxCntrsEntry 15000
BGP peers
1490 Telemetry