Users Guide

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Configure BFD for a specific IPv4 static route using the following command in CONFIGURATION mode:
ip route [vrf vrf-name] dest-ip-prefix mask {next-hop [interface interface-type]
[route-preference]} bfd
Configure BFD for a specific IPv6 static route using the following command in CONFIGURATION mode:
ipv6 route [vrf vrf-name] dest-ipv6prefix mask {next-hop [interface interface-type]
[route-preference]} bfd
The following is an example configuration for enabling BFD for specific static routes on the default VRF:
OS10(config)#ip route bfd
The following example enables BFD for specific static routes on a nondefault VRF:
OS10(config)#ip route vrf LAN2 bfd
The following example enables BFD for specific IPv6 static routes on the default VRF:
OS10(config)# ipv6 route 2111:dddd:0eee::22/128 2001:db86:0fff::2 bfd
The following example enables BFD for specific IPv6 static routes on a nondefault VRF:
OS10(config)# ipv6 route vrf LAN2 2111:dddd:0eee::22/128 2001:db86:0fff::2 bfd
Change the BFD session parameters for static routes
To change BFD session parameters for IPv4 or IPv6 static routes, use the following command in CONFIGURATION mode:
bfd interval milliseconds min_rx milliseconds multiplier number role {active | passive}
The following example changes the BFD session parameters for static routes:
OS10(config)# bfd interval 250 min_rx 300 multiplier 4 role passive
Disabling BFD for IPv6 Static Routes
To disable BFD for IPv6 static routes, use the following command.
Disable BFD for static routes.
no ipv6 route bfd
BFD commands
Enables BFD sessions with specified neighbors.
Parameters None
Default Not configured
Command Mode
604 Layer 3