API Guide

May 23 17:10:04 OS10 base_nas: [NDI:NDI-SAI], Values are invalid - can't be
erted to SAI types (func:2359305)
May 23 17:10:04 OS10 base_nas: [NDI:NDI-SAI], Values are invalid - can't be
erted to SAI types (func:2359311)
May 23 17:10:04 OS10 base_nas: [NDI:NDI-SAI], Hash value - 20 can't be
May 23 17:10:04 OS10 base_nas: [NDI:NDI-SAI], Values are invalid - can't be
erted to SAI types (func:2359312)
May 23 17:10:04 OS10 base_nas: [NDI:NDI-SAI], Invalid operation type for NDI
May 23 17:10:04 OS10 base_nas: [NDI:NDI-SAI], Invalid operation type for NDI
May 23 17:10:04 OS10 base_nas: [NDI:NDI-SAI], Invalid operation type for NDI
May 23 17:10:04 OS10 base_nas: [NDI:NDI-SAI], Invalid operation type for NDI
May 23 17:10:08 OS10 base_nas: [NETLINK:NH-
10.2.0E or later
Identifier GUID-B065F6B0-BCD0-40E4-A707-AA7789EABD98
Version 6
Status Translation approved
登录 OS10 设备
Linux shell 访问仅用于故障处理和诊断目的。linuxadmin 同时用于默认用户名和密码。出于安全原因您必须使用 system-user
命令从命令行界面更改 linuxadmin 默认密码。
如果您在从 CLI 更改密码之前登录 Linux shell系统会提示您更改 Linux shell 中的密码。如果在 Linux shell 中更改密码请从 CLI
置相同的密码以避免行为不一致。要保存新密码以供将来登录请输入 write memory 命令。
小心: Linux shell 更改系统状态可能会导致意外且不可预知的系统行为。请仅使用 Linux shell 命令来显示系统状态和变量
Dell EMC 支持的指示。
OS10 login: linuxadmin
Password: linuxadmin >> only for first-time login
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
Changing password for linuxadmin.
(current) UNIX password: linuxadmin
Enter new UNIX password: enter a new password
Retype new UNIX password: re-enter the new password
Linux OS10 3.16.7-ckt20 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u4 (2017-05-01) x86_64
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
-* Dell EMC Network Operating System (OS10) *-
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-* Copyright (c) 1999-2017 by Dell Inc. All Rights Reserved. *-
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This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and
OS10 故障处理 1387