API Guide

Enable audit logging
Rationale: To monitor user activity and configuration changes on the switch, enable the audit log. Only the sysadmin and
secadmin roles can enable, view, and clear the audit log.
Configure audit logging.
OS10(config)# logging audit enable
OS10(config)# exit
OS10# write memory
View audit log.
show logging audit [reverse] [number]
reverse Display entries starting with the most recent events.
numberDisplay the specified number of audit log entries users, from 1 to 65535.
View what logging rules are enabed
OS10# show running-configuration logging
logging audit enable
NTP rules
Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronizes timekeeping among a set of distributed time servers and clients and coordinates
time distribution in a large, diverse network. NTP clients synchronize with NTP servers that provide accurate time
Configure trusted NTP server
Rationale: Configure the system to synchronize time from a trusted NTP server.
OS10(config)# ntp server ntp1-server-ip-address
OS10(config)# exit
OS10# write memory
ntp1-server-ip-addressEnter the IPv4 address in A.B.C.D format or IPv6 address in A::B format of the NTP server.
Configure trusted secondary NTP server
Rationale: Configure the system to synchronize time from a trusted secondary NTP server.
OS10(config)# ntp server ntp2-server-ip-address
OS10(config)# exit
OS10# write memory
ntp1-server-ip-addressEnter the IPv4 address in A.B.C.D format or IPv6 address in A::B format of the NTP server.
Configure NTP authentication
Rationale: NTP authentication and the corresponding trusted key provide a reliable exchange of NTP packets with trusted time
sources. NTP authentication uses the message digest 5 (MD5) algorithm. The key is embedded in the synchronization packet
that is sent to an NTP time source.
OS10(config)# ntp authentication-key number {sha1 | sha2-256} key
OS10(config)# ntp master {210}
OS10(config)# exit
OS10# write memory
numberEnter the authentication key number, from 1 to 4294967295.
OS10 security best practices