Reference Guide

Install OS — Boots to the ONIE prompt and installs an OS10 image using the automatic discovery process.
Rescue — Boots to the ONIE prompt and allows for manual installation of an OS10 image or updating ONIE.
Uninstall OS — Deletes the contents of all disk partitions except ONIE and diagnostics.
Update ONIE — Installs a new ONIE version.
Embed ONIE — Formats an empty disk and installs ONIE.
Diag ONIE — Runs the system diagnostics.
CAUTION: During an automatic or manual OS10 installation, if an error condition occurs that results in an unsuccessful
installation, perform Uninstall OS rst to clear the partitions if there is an existing OS on the device. If the problem persists,
contact Dell EMC Technical Support.
Automatic installation
You can automatically (zero-touch) install an OS10 image on a Dell ONIE-enabled device. Once the device successfully boots to ONIE:
Install OS, auto-discovery obtains the hostname, domain name, Management interface IP address, as well as the IP address of the DNS
name server(s) on your network from the DHCP server and DHCP options. The ONIE automatic-discovery process locates the stored
software image, starts installation, then reboots the device with the new software image.
If a USB drive is inserted, auto-discovery searches the USB storage supporting FAT or EXT2 le systems. It also searches SCP, FTP, or
TFTP servers with the default DNS name of the ONIE server. DHCP options are not used to provide the server IP, and the auto discovery
method repeats until a successful software image installation occurs and reboots the switch.
Manual installation
You can manually install an OS10 software image if a DHCP server is not available. If the IP address for the Management port (eth0) is not
automatically discovered, ONIE sets the IP address to You must manually congure the Management port and congure
the software image le to start installation.
1 Save the OS10 software image on an SCP/TFTP/FTP server.
2 Power up the device and select ONIE Rescue for manual installation.
3 (Optional) Stop the DHCP discovery if the device boots to ONIE Install.
$ onie-discovery-stop
4 Congure the IP addresses on the Management port, where x.x.x.x represents your internal IP address. After you congure the
Management port, the response should be up.
$ ifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x netmask up
5 Install the software on the device. The installation command accesses the OS10 software from the specied SCP, TFTP, or FTP URL,
creates partitions, veries installation, and reboots itself.
$ onie-nos-install image_filename location
The OS10 installer image creates several partitions, including OS10-A (active and default) and OS10-B (standby). After installation
completes, the system automatically reboots and loads OS10.
Install OS10 manually
ONIE:/ # onie-nos-install ftp://x.x.x.x/PKGS_OS10–Enterprise-10.3.xxP.bin
Where x.x.x.x represents the location to download the image le from, and xxP represents the version number of the software to install.
Install using USB drive
You can manually install the OS10 software image using USB media. Verify that the USB storage device supports a FAT or EXT2 le
system. For instructions on how to format a USB device in FAT or EXT2 format, see the accompanying Windows documentation for FAT
formatting or Linux documentation for FAT or EXT2 formatting.
Getting Started