Reference Guide

image download
Downloads a new software image to the local le system.
image download file-url
Parameters file-url — Set the path to the image le:
ftp://userid:passwd@hostip:/filepath — Enter the path to copy from the remote FTP server.
http[s]://hostip:/filepath — Enter the path to copy from the remote HTTP or HTTPS server.
scp://userid:passwd@hostip:/filepath — Enter the path to copy from the remote SCP le
sftp://userid:passwd@hostip:/filepath — Enter the path to copy from the remote SFTP le
tftp://hostip:/filepath — Enter the path to copy from the remote TFTP le system.
usb://filepath — Enter the path to copy from the USB le system.
Default Not congured
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information Use the show image status command to view the progress.
OS10# image download ftp://admin@
Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
image install
Installs a new image, either from a previously downloaded le or from a remote location.
image install file-url
file-url — Location of the image le:
ftp://userid:passwd@hostip:/filepath — Enter the path to install from a remote FTP server.
http[s]://hostip:/filepath — Enter the path to install from the remote HTTP or HTTPS server.
scp://userid:passwd@hostip:/filepath — Enter the path to install from a remote SCP le
sftp://userid:passwd@hostip:/filepath — Enter the path to install from a remote SFTP le
tftp://hostip:/filepath — Enter the path to install from a remote TFTP le system.
image://filename — Enter the path to install from a local le system.
usb://filepath — Enter the path to install from the USB le system.
Default All
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information Use the show image status command to view the installation progress.
OS10# image install
System management 479