
+ Checking SFP+ 25 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 26 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 27 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 28 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 29 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 30 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 31 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 32 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 33 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 34 0x50 ..... Passed
+ Checking SFP+ 35 0x50 .....
Verbose mode
Use the following steps to enable and set the verbose level.
1 Set the Verbose level with a value of 0–3 using bits 4 and 5 of the EDA control reg (0x55).
For example, to set the verbose level to 2, set bit 5–1 (5=1) and bit 4–0 (4=0).
root@dellemc-diag-os:~# nvramtool --write --reg=0x55 --val=0x25
The value is written in hexadecimal. The xx10x1xx shows the bit positions of 2, 4&5, and bit 0 on the right.
2 Enable Verbose mode by setting bit 2 of the same reg to 1.
: If you disable Verbose mode, or bit 2 of reg 0x55 is set to 0, the default verbosity level is 0/zero.
EDA control reg (0x55):
5:4—EDA Verbose Level = 0/1/2/3 or verbosity level 0, 1, 2, or 3
3—EDA Extended Tests
2—EDA Verbose Mode = 0/1 (0=disabled; 1=enabled)
1—EDA stop on Error
0—EDA Enable
: If you do not need the Verbose mode settings to persist through reboots, you can use the environment variable method to
enable Verbose Mode.
export VERB_LEVEL=<setting 0,1,2 or 3>
To clear the environment variable, use the unset VERB_LEVEL command.
The cpldupgradetool shows the CPLD version that is being used to upgrade the CPLD.
: For newer platforms, such as the S5200-ON Series and Z9264F-ON, cpldupgradetool is replaced with the
28 Dell EMC DAIG-OS tools