
The fantool tests the fans in the system, sets, and reports the fan speeds and the fan tray eld replaceable unit (FRU) registers. The
fantool also reports the airow direction of the fans. The psutool command controls the PSU fans.
NOTE: This tool is not available for the N1108EP-ON switch.
The fantool tests the fans by setting them to dierent speeds and then verifying the congured fan speeds.
Registers and values pass as hexadecimal values with or without the preceding 0x. Fans display from 1 to Max System Fans.
CLI options
DellEmc Diag - Fan Controller Tool
version 1.5, x.xx.x.x-x
build, 2017/05/23
Syntax: fantool <option>
Show the help-text:=
fantool --h (or)
fantool -h
Initialize the fans to the default state:=
fantool --init (or)
fantool -i
Test using the Fan Controller config file:=
fantool --test [--fan=<fan>] [--lpc] (or)
fantool -t [-F <fan>] [-l]
Get the speed of the specified fan or all fans in RPM:=
fantool --get --fan=<fan | all> [--lpc] (or)
fantool -g -F <fan | all> [-l]
Set the fan(s) to the speed:=
fantool --set --fan=<fan | all> --speed=<speed in RPM> (or)
fantool -s -F <fan | all> -S <speed in RPM>
Execute repeatedly command by count:=
fantool --iteration=max/<count> [option1] [option2]... (or)
fantool -I max/<count> [option1] [option2]...
Read the Register from the fan controller:=
fantool --read --fan=<fan | all> --reg=<register | all> (or)
fantool -r -F <fan | all> -R <register | all>
Write the Register in the Fan Controller:=
fantool --write --fan=<fan | all> --reg=<register> --val=<value> (or)
fantool -w -F <fan | all> -R <register> -V <value>
-h, --h Show the help text
-i, --init Initilize to default
-t, --test Test using the pre-programmed configuration or use supplied config
-g, --get Get operation
-s, --set Set operation
-r, --read Read operation
-w, --write Write operation
-I, --iteration= Iteration command execution
-F, --fan= Fan Id
-R, --register= Register
-V, --val= Value to be set
-S, --speed= Speed of the fan
-q, --lpc Test by reading or modifying SmartFusion registers.
When this flag is used, it must be clubbed with one of above flags
Dell EMC DAIG-OS tools