Reference Guide

Usage Information
Peer-group — Displays the peer group name. Minimum time displays the time interval between BGP
Administratively shut — Displays the peer groups status if you do not enable the peer group. If you
enable the peer group, this line does not display.
BGP version — Displays the BGP version supported.
Description — Displays the descriptive name congured for the BGP peer template. This eld is displayed
only when the description is congured.
For address family — Displays IPv4 unicast as the address family.
BGP neighbor — Displays the name of the BGP neighbor.
Number of peers — Displays the number of peers currently congured for this peer group.
Peer-group members — Lists the IP addresses of the peers in the peer group. If the address is outbound
optimized, an * displays next to the IP address.
OS10# show ip bgp peer-group bgppg
Peer-group bgppg, remote AS 103
BGP version 4
Minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 seconds
Description: peer_template_1_abcd
For address family: Unicast
BGP neighbor is bgppg, peer-group external
Update packing has 4_OCTET_AS support enabled
Example (Summary)
OS10# show ip bgp peer-group ebgp summary
BGP router identifier local AS number 6
Neighbor AS MsgRcvd MsgSent Up/Down State/Pfx 7 7 6 00:01:54 5
Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
show ip bgp summary
Displays the status of all BGP connections.
show ip bgp [vrf vrf-name] summary
Parameters vrf vrf-name — (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword vrf and then the name of the VRF to view the status of all
BGP connections corresponding to that VRF.
Default Not congured
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information
Neighbor—Displays the BGP neighbor address.
AS—Displays the AS number of the neighbor
MsgRcvd—Displays the number of BGP messages that the neighbor received.
MsgSent—Displays the number of BGP messages that the neighbor sent.
Up/Down—Displays the amount of time that the neighbor is in the Established stage. If the neighbor has
never moved into the Established stage, the word never displays. The output format is:
1 day = 00:12:23 (hours:minutes:seconds), 1 week = 1d21h (DaysHours), 1 week
+ 11w2d (WeeksDays)
State/Pfxrcd—If the neighbor is in the Established stage, the number of network prexes received. If a
maximum limit was congured with the neighbor maximum-prex command, prfxd appears in this column. If
the neighbor is not in the Established stage, the current stage - Idle, Connect, Active, OpenSent, OpenConrm
352 Layer 3