Reference Guide

Supported Releases 10.4.0E(R1) or later
Changes the shared buers size limit for priority ow-control enabled ows.
pfc-shared-buffer-size buffer-size
Parameters buffer-size — Enter the size of the priority ow-control buer in KB (0 to 8911).
Default 832 KB
Command Mode SYSTEM-QOS
Usage Information The no version of this command returns the value to the default.
OS10(conf-sys-qos)# pfc-shared-buffer-size 2000
Supported Releases 10.3.0E or later
Congures the shared headroom size for absorbing the packets after pause frames are generated.
: This command is available only on Z9100-ON and HE-IOM.
pfc-shared-headroom-buffer-size headroom-buffer-size
Parameters headroom-buffer-size — Enter the size of the priority ow-control headroom buer in KB (1 to 3399).
Default 1024 KB
Command Mode SYSTEM-QOS
Usage Information This command is used to congure the shared headroom size. All PFC enabled priority groups can use the shared
headroom space. Headroom is the buer space which absorbs the incoming packets after the PFC frames reach
the sender. Once the threshold is reached PFC frames are generated towards the sender. The packets sent by the
sender after the PFC frames are generated are absorbed into the Headroom buer. The no version of this
command returns the value to the default.
OS10(conf-sys-qos)# pfc-shared-headroom-buffer-size 2000
Supported Releases 10.4.0E(R1) or later
Congures trac policing on incoming trac.
police {cir committed-rate [bc committed-burst-size]} {pir peak-rate [be peak-
cir committed-rate — Enter a committed rate value in kilo bits per second (0 to 4000000).
bc committed-burst-size — (Optional) Enter committed burst size in packets for control plane policing
and in KB for data packets. (16 to 200000).
Quality of service 691