Reference Guide

Port Auth Status: UNAUTHORIZED
Re-Authentication: Enable
Tx Period: 120 seconds
Quiet Period: 120 seconds
Supplicant Timeout: 45 seconds
Server Timeout: 60 seconds
Re-Auth Interval: 3600 seconds
Max-EAP-Req: 5
Auth PAE State: Initialize
Backend State: Initialize
View interface running conguration
OS10(conf-range-eth1/1/7-1/1/8)# do show running-configuration interface
interface ethernet1/1/7
no shutdown
dot1x max-req 5
dot1x re-authentication
dot1x timeout quiet-period 120
dot1x timeout re-authperiod 3600
dot1x timeout server-timeout 60
dot1x timeout supp-timeout 45
dot1x timeout tx-period 120
interface ethernet1/1/8
no shutdown
dot1x max-req 5
dot1x re-authentication
dot1x timeout quiet-period 120
dot1x timeout re-authperiod 3600
dot1x timeout server-timeout 60
dot1x timeout supp-timeout 45
dot1x timeout tx-period 120
802.1X commands
dot1x host-mode
Allows 802.1X authentication for either a single supplicant or multiple supplicants on an interface.
dot1x host-mode {multi-host | multi-auth}
multi-host — Allows attachment of multiple hosts to a single 802.1X-enabled port. You can only authorize
one of the attached clients for all clients to grant network access. If the port becomes unauthorized (re-
authentication fails or receives an EAPOL-logo message), the device denies network access to all of the
attached clients.
multi-auth — Allows 802.1X authentication for each connected host.
Default Multi-host
Command Mode INTERFACE
Usage Information The no version of this command resets the value to the default.
OS10(conf-range-eth1/1/7-1/1/8)# dot1x host-mode multi-auth
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