Users Guide

NOTE: Some Windows unzip applications insert extra carriage returns (CR) or line feeds (LF) when they extract
the contents of a .tar file, which may corrupt the downloaded OS10 binary image. Turn off this option if you use a
Windows-based tool to untar an OS10 binary file.
2. (Optional) View the current software download status in EXEC mode.
VLT-Peer1# show image status
Image Upgrade State: idle
File Transfer State: idle
State Detail: Completed: No error
Task Start: 2018-08-16T19:38:37Z
Task End: 2018-08-16T19:38:44Z
Transfer Progress: 100 %
Transfer Bytes: 417828173 bytes
File Size: 417828173 bytes
Transfer Rate: 58152 kbps
Installation State: idle
State Detail: No install information available
Task Start: 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
Task End: 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
VLT-Peer2# show image status
Image Upgrade State: idle
File Transfer State: idle
State Detail: Completed: No error
Task Start: 2018-08-16T19:41:49Z
Task End: 2018-08-16T19:42:09Z
Transfer Progress: 100 %
Transfer Bytes: 417828173 bytes
File Size: 417828173 bytes
Transfer Rate: 21092 kbps
Installation State: idle
State Detail: No install information available
Task Start: 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
Task End: 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
3. Install the image using the image install command on both the VLT peer nodes.
VLT-Peer1# image install image://PKGS_OS10-Enterprise10.
Install started.
VLT-Peer2# image install image://PKGS_OS10-Enterprise10.
Install started.
4. Use the show image status command to view the installation status.
VLT-Peer1# show image status
Image Upgrade State: idle
File Transfer State: idle
State Detail: Completed: No error
Task Start: 2018-08-16T19:38:37Z
Task End: 2018-08-16T19:38:44Z
Transfer Progress: 100 %
Transfer Bytes: 417828173 bytes
File Size: 417828173 bytes
Transfer Rate: 58152 kbps
Upgrading OS10 software