Users Guide

About this guide
This guide is intended for system administrators who are responsible for installing, upgrading, and maintaining networks. It
includes the following chapters:
Installing SmartFabric OS10
Preparing for upgrade
Upgrading OS10 software
Downgrading OS10 software
Frequently asked questions
Related Documents
The following table lists the related documentation.
Table 1. Related Documentation
Related Documentation Description Link
Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10
Release Notes
This document includes:
New feature information
Known and resolved caveats
Dell EMC Networking OS10 Info
Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User
This document includes:
Installation and setup of Dell EMC SmartFabric
Description, configuration information, limitations
and restrictions, and examples of features that
SmartFabric OS10 supports.
Reference information and examples on
configuring protocols. For complete information
about protocols, see the related documentation,
including Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
and Request For Comments (RFC).
Command reference information for all the
SmartFabric OS10 CLI commands.
Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 Quick
Start Guide
This document contains quick start and
interoperability information to assist with the
installation, upgrade, and set up of in-band
and out-of-band management, authentication, and
interoperability between Dell-Dell and Dell-OEM
Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10
Security Guide
This document provides a set of recommendations
for securing switches that run Dell EMC SmartFabric
Documentation Feedback
Dell Technologies strives to provide accurate and comprehensive documentation and welcomes your suggestions and
comments. You can provide feedback in the following ways:
Online feedback formRate the documentation or provide your feedback on any of the documentation pages at
4 About this guide