
Table Of Contents
Diagnostic package
The diagnostics tools include edatool. To test the basic functionality of the system, use the edatool.
The edatool executes a script of simple commands, similar to commands in the CLI. Usually, the diagnostics tools run these types of
tests. The success or failure of these tools is reported. At the end of the edatool run, reports the PASSED or FAILED results in a
standard format the test scripts can easily parse.
The edatool does not have a test command, but instead runs all the tests that are scripted.
CLI options
DellEmc Diag - Extended Diagnostics Application
version 1.4, x.xx.x.x-x
build, 2017/05/23,
Syntax: edatool <option>
Show the Help-text:=
edatool --h (or)
edatool -h
Lists tests in config files:=
edatool --list (or)
edatool -l
Config file to use for tests:=
edatool --config=<config_file> (or)
edatool -f <config_file>
Config file to use for extended tests:=
edatool --extended-config=<config_file> (or)
edatool -X <config_file>
Display test list or test result or modify test item status:=
edatool --testlist=show/result/<on/off,<test_id>,<test_id>...>(or)
edatool -L show/result/<on/off,<test_id>,<test_id>...>
Run all or selected test item in test list:=
edatool --testrun=all/<test_id> (or)
edatool --R all/<test_id>
Execute repeatedly command by count:=
edatool --iteration=max/<count> [option1] [option2]... (or)
edatool -I max/<count> [option1] [option2]...
-h, --h Show the help text
-l, --list List the understood TLV codes and names
-I, --iteration= Iteration command execution
-L, --testlist= Test list status
-R, --testrun= Run test item
-f, --config= To specify the location of the config file e.g. /etc/dn/diag/
-X, --extended-config= Config file to use for extended tests
root@dell-diag-os:~# edatool
* Diagnostics Application *
Dell-EMC Diag edatool version 1.4, package x.xx.x.x 2016/11/21
Dell EMC DAIG-OS tools