
Table Of Contents
<command> - Command string (Refer below for supported commands)
<UART dev> - UART device name (say, "/dev/tty00")
<filename> - Specify image file path for upgrade
<REGION> - Specify image region.
(G, A, B for MSS regions, g, a for FPGA region)
Following commands are supported:
-um - Upgrade MSS image
-uf - Upgrade FPGA image
-gmr - Get MSS running image region
-gfr - Get FPGA running image region
-gmv - Get MSS running image version
-smr - Select MSS running image region
-sfr - Select FPGA running image region
-help - Dispay help
SMF MSS upgrade
You can upgrade SMF MSS using the following steps:
To nd out what region is running, use the gmr option.
If MSS is running in region A, use the region B image to upgrade the MSS.
If MSS is running in region B, use the region A image to upgrade the MSS.
If MSS is running in region G, use the region A image to upgrade the MSS.
Upgrade mss A-region when mss is running in G-region:
./smarttool -um /dev/ttyS0 <platform>_SMF_MSS_v1.41_A_region.bin
Upgrade mss B-region when mss is running in A-region:
./smarttool -um /dev/ttyS0 <
Upgrade mss A-region when mss is running in B-region:
./smarttool -um /dev/ <platform>_SMF_MSS_v1.41_A_region.bin
1 Copy all the binaries needed for the upgrade into a local directory.
Figure 6. Copy all needed binaries
2 Check the MSS region using the smarttool –gmr /dev/ttyS0 command.
Dell EMC DAIG-OS tools