Users Guide

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10.4.0E(R3) or later
re-balance fc npg sessions vfabric
Re-balances the FC sessions across FC uplinks.
re-balance fc npg sessions vfabric vfabric-id [dry-run][brief]
Parameters None
Defaults Not configured
Command Mode EXEC
Triggers the load-balancing mechanism to redistribute the sessions across the FC uplinks. The dry-run
option displays the current state of the system, sessions that are cleared, and the system state after the
load balancing is done without actually doing it. You can use the brief option (both in dry run and actual
run) to view only the session redistribution information. You can configure fcoe delay fcf-adv timer
that is based on the switch configuration to balance the system during reload. Even if the system is
unbalanced after reload, you can use this command in the switch to balance the sessions, within the
uplinks. This command is supported in the NPG mode. Re-balance is not recommended for a NPG
cascading topology. The fields and their corresponding descriptions displayed in this command are as
Uplink IntfThe name of the FC uplink interface.
FLOGINumber of Fabric Login Sessions in the FC uplink interface.
FDISCNumber of Fabric Discovery Sessions in the FC uplink interface.
LoadTotal number of sessions (FLOGI and FDISC) in the FC uplink interface.
SpeedLink speed of the FC uplink interface.
Excess LoadExcess load is the absolute (Current load on the link - ((Minimum load per 8G speed in
current state) * port-speed/8G)). It captures the level to which the corresponding link is
oversubscribed when compared to other FC upstream links in the system.
Node WWPNWorld-Wide Port Name is used for the Fabric Login Request of the Server that is
connected to the OS10 switch. It can be an FCoE server or an FC server.
From Uplink IntfInterface name of the FC uplink from which the sessions from the server are
To Uplink IntfInterface name of the FC uplink to which the sessions are mapped when the server
No. of sessionsCount of redistributed sessions.
OS10#re-balance npg sessions vfabric 100 dry-run
Fabric Id 100 Current State
Uplink FLOGI FDISC Load Speed Excess
Intf (Gbps) Load
Fc 1/1/1 1 9 10 8 7
Fc 1/1/2 3 3 6 16 0
4 12 16 24 7
Session Displacements:
Total No. of Node(s) : 4
No. of Node(s) displaced : 4
Node WWPN From Uplink Intf To Uplink Intf No.of sessions
20:01:d4:ae:52:1a:ee:54 Fc 1/1/1 Fc 1/1/2 10
21:01:d4:ae:52:1a:ee:54 Fc 1/1/2 Fc 1/1/1 2
22:01:d4:ae:52:1a:ee:54 Fc 1/1/2 Fc 1/1/1 2
23:01:d4:ae:52:1a:ee:54 Fc 1/1/2 Fc 1/1/1 2
Fabric Id 100 State after Re-balancing
426 Fibre Channel